
You are an important person in our society. You may have a job or are looking for a job, thinking about getting more training for a career or going to college. It is an exciting time and you have lots of choices. Remember you are capable and smart and you have what it takes to work and be independent. Independence doesn't mean you do everything yourself. It means you make the choices and are in charge of your life. In order to live boldly you need to be informed. Look for as much information as you can about what you want or need and you'll be able to make informed choices and be happy with them.

If you can't find what you are looking for, please feel free to call the office at 1-800-295-5232.

988 Mental Health, Substance Use or Suicide Crisis Help Line
Advocacy and Leadership
Clothing / Fashion
Driving / Transportation
Health and Wellness
Living Independently
Money / Financial Literacy
Relationships / Sexuality / Friendships / Dating / Bullying
Renting or Buying a Home
School to Work Transition
Students: Plans after High School