Commissioner Duties

Commissioner Duties

The role of a member shall be to:

  • Support and assist the Commission staff in their activities to improve the lives of people with disabilities
  • Keep informed about relevant disability-related legislation, associations, activities, organizations, programs, and ideas at the local, state, national, and international levels
  • Develop an understanding and appreciation of the philosophies and diversity of the disability community
  • Learn how the legislative and executive branches of government operate and how to effectively impact the legislative process

KCDC Commissioner Application

Fifteen of the KCDC Commissioners are appointed by the Governor of Kansas. There is an application process each year. If you are interested in applying to be on the Commission, to complete the Governor's Appointment online application form. Notification by the Governor's office will probably be made in August for an interview. The deadline for applications is July 1st.

Commissioner Responsibilities

It shall be the responsibility of each Commissioner to:

  • Attend and actively participate in meetings on a regular basis
  • Assist in developing policy for KCDC to be delivered annually to the governor
  • Attend orientation, training, and other events sponsored or supported by KCDC
  • Prepare for the Commission meetings by reading and responding to information sent to you prior to the meeting date
  • Utilize the democratic process, with Committee and Commission discussion, to strive for consensus on policies to improve the lives of people with disabilities and to make the world truly barrier free
  • Participate in organizations and other groups whose missions are congruent with the mission of KCDC so that collaboration, communication and understanding are increased among disability groups
  • Collaborate with individuals, groups, organizations and coalitions so that resources can be used efficiently and effectively, unmet needs identified, and the interests of people with disabilities advanced
  • Represent Commission positions with prior knowledge and approval of the Chairperson or Executive Director
  • Serve as liaison/adviser to other groups and organizations as requested by the Chairperson or Executive Director
  • Increase awareness of the Commission through such activities as distributing informational materials or conducting presentations to such groups as Local Workforce Investment Boards, One-Stop Centers, Transition Councils, service providers, disability organizations, civic groups, etc.
  • Communicate with staff members as needed or desired to facilitate meeting any of these responsibilities