Disability Mentoring Day (DMD)

Disability Mentoring Day (DMD) is a large-scale, broad-based effort designed to promote career development for students and other job seekers with disabilities (mentees) through hands-on career exploration, job shadowing, and internship or mentee/mentor relationships.

Disability Mentoring Day, sponsored by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), began in 1999 as part of a White House effort to increase the profile of Disability Employment Awareness Month, celebrated every October. To learn more about DMD on a national level, visit the National DMD Web Site.

Kansas has a network of local volunteer coordinators in over 30 counties around the state and more than 950 Kansas students and job seekers participated in DMD in past years. DMD has also received publicity locally in Kansas, and nationally in many media formats - TV, radio, newspapers, etc.

Local Coordinator Information
How to Start a Local DMD Committee
Background Check Information

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